Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Reaction to Classmate's Presentations

I felt like almost half the class presented on working in the medical field. There seemed to be a reoccurring theme among each of the presentations as well: doctors and nurses need to strive to build a bond with their patients. Considering this is what my presentation was on, it was easy for me to relate to and understand.

Howevere there were a few presentations I found much more diverse. The presentation on hostage negotiators definitely ranks high on the scale of diverse occupations. I mean, I know hostage negotiators exist, but I never really thought about how they get their job, why they get their job, and the actual details of their job. It really made me think about all the odd jobs in this world. I thought it was very interesting how hostage negotiators approach the situation at hand. I would think that they go into a hostage situation with some sort of a game plan, but never a specific list of steps. Not to say that all of them use the steps listed in the presentation, but I'm sure each of them have a list of objectives they wish to cover when attempting to safely

There were also a few presentations that I was eager to see how communication and language could relate to. Jobs like being an accountant or an engineer do involve communication and language. However, off the top of my head I probably could not list one way they do so. It obviously takes a little bit of research and concentration to decide the specific ways language is used in occupations that may not use it as much as a doctor or negotiator.

I thought it was fascinating that in every major or occupation, even accounting or engineering, communication is somehow used. This will probably sound very English-teacher-ish, but that just proves the importance of a good background in reading, writing, and speaking. The base one builds in their skills in language and communication can basically decide their future.

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